ASTRALLOY 2000        High Nickel Cast Iron Non-Conductive Flux 

Very soft machinable welds on all weldable cast irons. Especially suited for welding in deep recesses or close quarters due to the non-conductive flux coating. Soft very machinable high nickel cast iron electrode featuring a totally non-conductive flux coating. Flux coating does not side arc even after being heated. 


10 LB / BOX


ASTRALLOY 2600    Non-Machinable Cast Iron Non-Conductive Flux

For non-machinable welds on machine bases, furnace grates, exhaust manifolds, etc. Nickel free cast iron problem solver, seals in porosity generating contaminants prior to finish welding with nickels.

• Easily clads heat oxidized and oil impregnated castings

• Perfect color match to cast iron

• Non-conductive flux coating 



ASTRALLOY 2900    Copper Clad Tri-Metal NonOverheating Cast Iron

The high deposition rate of this electrode creates an extremely narrow heat affected zone. This feature is suitable for all weldable cast irons that require post weld machining. ​



​ASTRALLOY 3800      High Strength Self Fluxing 5% Silver Torch

                                                                                                    Alloy for Copper to Copper 

- Fabricate and repair copper air conditioning components, refrigeration components, radiators, heat exchangers, and other devices made from copper sheet and fittings. - Join copper bus bards, electrical conduit, cable, and fabricated copper vessels. - Join copper without flux in applications where flux is detrimental. 

流動性好, 經高脫氧處理, 不會產生氣孔。焊接銅及銅合金。


ASTRALLOY 4000        ​5% Silicon Flux Coated Arc/Torch Aluminum Alloy 

For arc welding aluminums alloyed with copper, silicon, and magnesium. Also excellent for joining dissimilar grades of aluminum. 5% Silicon aluminum arc welding electrode with exclusive self lifting slag. Other aluminum grades such as Al 99, Al Mn, etc. are also available.



ASTRALLOY  4100     A Rub-on Solder for Aluminum without Flux

Ideal for joining aluminum extrusions used in the manufacture and repair of aluminum doors and windows. Also for repairing leaders, gutters, siding, aluminum boats and instrument boxes. Most kirksite and zinc base die castings can be repaired with this alloy. Can also be used as a wearfacing alloy on aluminum. 

​高強度, 抗腐蝕, 色澤和鋁及鋁合金一致。不須使用焊劑, 低溫400℃以下就可使用, 非常方便、母材不變形.


ASTRALLOY  4400   Low Melting Aluminum Solder for Joining Aluminum to Itself and Other Metals

With a lower bonding temperature than silver brazing alloys, it is ideal as an intermediate alloy for joining. Excellent for low temperature joints on:

 Aluminum tube, copper tube, and refrigeration and air conditioning units

 Aluminum radiators

 Sheet metal work

 Manufacturing and repair of instruments

 Zinc base die casting

 Joining of dissimilar metals

 Can also be used on anodized aluminum

對所有白色金屬, 包括鋅、錫鉛合金、鋁等有明顯的連接性能。它可以連接銅、青銅、黃銅、鋼、不銹鋼、鎂及相關合金。
連接不同金屬:    與不同的金屬具有良好的連接性, 包括鋁和銅或其它不同金屬的接合。
低溫操作:      在低溫179℃就可操作, 可使用電鉻鐵或火焰。這種低溫操作可防止金屬破壞和變形, 亦可使用TIG焊接。


ASTRALLOY 5000     Blue Mild Steel 

Versatile all around repair and fabrication of clean, well fitting common mild steel components. Fast freeze slag characteristics ensures fully positional operability.

優良機械加工性能, 焊條可以彎曲, 以便作難以接近位置之焊接。
容易使用, 電弧穩定。
藥皮含易電離材料, 電焊時產生霧狀金屬。
焊薄板用低電流, 不會燒穿。


ASTRALLOY  5100   7018 Moisture Resistant Low Hydrogen 

For joining and repairing boiler plate, pipe steels, shipbuilding steels and cast steels. Excellent for weathering steels, such as "Corten". 

優良機械加工性能, 焊條可以彎曲, 以便焊接難以接近的位置。
容易使用, 電弧穩定。
焊渣噴濺少, 焊道平整。


ASTRALLOY 5300 Extra High Strength Low Hydrogen 

Structural and repair welds on high strength fine grained steels. 

超低濕氣含量,低於 .14 %。
焊渣噴濺少,焊道平整, 無夾渣。


ASTRALLOY 6000     Gold 312(29/9) 

Due to exceptional strength and crack resistance, it is ideal for repairing tools, dies, spring steel and any dissimilar metal combinations, except for the aluminum and copper alloys. It is also recommended for repairing worn parts and as an underlay for hardfacing. 

抗拉強度極高、高延伸率、良好的耐熱性及加工硬化性, 越用越韌。
高韌性、高伸張度, 特別適用不同金屬的焊接。
對於敏感易裂舊焊道或受污染不潔之工件, 焊接效果最適宜。
超高彎曲強度, 遠高於軟鋼電焊條的拉力。
低浸透及高合金含量, 使碳游離及淡化減至最低。
抗腐蝕力強, 比一些不銹鋼更佳。


ASTRALLOY 6600    316L-16 

​For molybdenum bearing stainless steels with 1.5 to 3.0% Mo. Primarily used for resistance to pitting, many acids and general corrosion.

含有特製的合金成份, 增強抵抗酸鹼, 焊接不產生氣孔, 強度高。
高延伸率, 特別適用在敏感易裂焊道的修護。
低含碳量, 可有效預防不鏽鋼, 如:200、304、308、316系列、400系列等。
比普通不銹鋼焊條更具優良的抗腐蝕性, 含量極低的碳成份, 使其成為最佳的抗點蝕不銹鋼維修焊條。


ASTRALLOY 6905    Duplex 2209 

For welding and cladding "DUPLEX" stainless sheets and castings. Universal "DUPLEX" electrode for welding and cladding of austenitic/ferritic microstructure stainlesses

​具備了奧氏田鋼及鐵素體鋼(Austenitic / Ferritic)成份, 具高強度, 高延伸率。
焊道含氮元素, 能預防點蝕, 腐蝕及裂縫產生, 增強抵抗氯及鹽水腐蝕。
雙相不銹鋼最適合用在熱交換管, 油管, 氣槽, 防海水腐蝕。
可以維修所有的不銹鋼設備, 比304L, 316L不銹鋼有更好的耐蝕性, 抗裂性。
比普通不銹鋼焊條更具優良的抗腐蝕性, 含量極低的碳成份, 使其成為最佳的抗點蝕不銹鋼維修焊條。


ASTRALLOY 7000   Chromium Carbide 

For protecting most iron base surfaces against severe abrasive wear and moderate impact. Chromium carbide electrode for economical smooth overlays

焊道金屬非常平滑, 極耐磨及衝擊。
功能抵受嚴酷的磨擦, 因為它擁有堅硬的碳化鉻組織。


ASTRALLOY 7300    M2 High Speed Tool Steel 

For repair and reclamation of high speed cutting and machining tools. High hardness tool steel electrode for high speed tool steels

在高溫情況下, 仍保有優異的性能。


ASTRALLOY 7310  Air Hardening Tool Steel Electrode 

Ideal for repairing and rebuilding shear blades, percussion drills, earth borers, crusher jaws, etc. Unique alloy for repair & build-up of all Air Hardening tool steels

適用於各種熱作模具及空氣硬化, 如: 模具鋼的修護焊補, 特別是SKD 61。
只需使用低電流焊接, 減少母材晶相組織的破壞, 同時焊條熔解快速, 與母材親和力佳, 可減少氣孔的產生。
可經熱處理改變焊道的硬度與特性。在高溫環境下, 仍保有相當好的熱作特性。

ASTRALLOY 7400    Nickel Chrome Manganese High Recovery 

​For joining and repairing steel and manganese steel parts used throughout the railroad, construction, and related industries. Impact resistant electrode for joining and surfacing steels. 

​為抗衝撞之錳鎳鉻合金焊條, 有很強的結合力及韌性。
能快速工作硬化從焊接時RC10迅速硬化至RC50, 深層硬化。
高結合力及延伸率, 不但可以做接合用, 更是最理想之耐衝撞、耐磨錳鋼焊條。


ASTRALLOY 7600    All Position Shock and Abrasion Resistance 

Excellent for restoring worn hammers and assorted parts in rock crushing equipment. All position shock and abrasion resistant electrode

為抗衝撞、耐磨之合金焊條, 有很強的韌性。
高結合力, 為最理想之耐撞擊、耐磨焊條。
可一層又一層的堆焊, 不會龜裂或脫落。


ASTRALLOY 7700   RC-67 Niobium Carbide

For protecting all iron based parts subject to severe fine particle abrasion. Also excellent in wear applications at elevated temperatures. Smooth deposits enriched with Niobium Carbide and Chromium Carbide offer the ultimate combination of abrasion resistance and high temperature hardness retention

硬度可達RC 64-68, 耐溫至1600℉(870℃)。
用於抗砂磨及高溫之場所最好焊條。能抵受想像得到最厲害之磨擦。在有些場合《阿斯特勒 7700》可用以取代高價之 Stellite


ASTRALLOY 7710 Tubular Tungsten Carbide

Ideally suited for overlaying mining and earth moving equipment.Excellent for wire saws and other edges requiring cutting action combined with abrasion resistance. Tungsten carbide overlay within a high carbon steel matrix 

硬度極高, 最具抗磨損性能。當一個碳化物被破壞, 另一個取代它。
因此焊道會自我銳化, 也適用在切削和鑽孔中。
以合金鋼管代替了低碳鋼管, 用一種獨特的碳化鎢填充。


ASTRALLOY 7900  High Recovery Inconel 625 (112) Electrode 

For joining and cladding most nickel alloys, stainless steels, and carbon steels. Excellent for oxidation and corrosion resistant applications. Inconel 625 electrode that performs on AC current as well as DC current

具有非常良好的抗裂強度及抗裂性能, 及在高溫下優異之抗氧化、抗腐蝕之特性。
防熱耐熱能高至1050℃, 低溫至 -96℃。適用於燃燒系統設備。


ASTRALLOY 7920   Crack & Corrosion Resistant 112 Nickel Base Alloy 

Phenomenal strength and crack resistance

 Excellent positional performance

 Weld metal is highly corrosion resistant

 Used extensively in the petrochemical industries

具有高延伸率及高強度, 焊渣容易清除。
全方位焊接, 含鈮。


ASTRALLOY 7930   Hastelloy C Electrode High Recovery 

Ideally suited for applications involving both heat and corrosion, joining dissimilar nickel alloys or joining these alloys to the stainless steels. For fabrication and repairing chemical vats, retorts, valves and valve bodies, plating tanks, racks and supports, chemical pipelines, evaporators, digestors, hot-work forging dies, furnace racks, hoods and baffles, pumps, valves and controls. 

高韌性、高伸張度, 特別適用於不同金屬之焊接。
最適合化學工業設備, 如: 管路、反應桶、幫浦等焊接維修。


ASTRALLOY 8000   "Magic Metal" Bronze Filled Epoxy Stick 

A metallic resin that hardens into a tough alloy without any need for measuring its two components



ASTRALLOY 8400  Solid Core Silver Bearing Soft Solder 

A very high strength lead and cadmium free soft solder that is FDA approved.

物理性能高,拉力高達18,000psi (12.6kg/㎜2),超越普通焊料, 最適宜薄小零件的焊接。
符合所有純食物法例, 不含鉛、鎘或其它有毒或有害的金屬。抵抗腐蝕的低熔點合金。
主要用於不銹鋼及不同金屬之焊接, 具有卓越的抗腐蝕性。


ASTRALLOY 9000   Green Turbo-Blast Chamfering/Cutting 

Can gouge, bevel or cut all metals including stainless steels, aluminums and copper. Excellent for the removal of stainless steel joints and overlays. No oxygen is required. Chamfering/cutting electrode with 25% more arc blast force

特殊的焊芯及藥皮可在高電流下使用而不過熱, 能在焊條前端產生強力的噴射氣體, 吹走熔化的金屬, 而得到一個清潔, 乾淨的U型槽。最適合去除舊焊道、難溶的金屬、焊接前切邊與修整之用。
可以切割所有金屬(除鎂之外), 包括不銹鋼、銅、鋁、合金鋼等。


ASTRALLOY 9500   56% Silver Flux Coated Pink 

For color matching stainless steel and for low temperature high strength joints in the food, medical and pharmaceutical industries. Super active flux coated cadmium free silver brazing alloy with 56% silver content

溶點低、流動性良好, 604℃~640℃, 該溫度不會太高而導致焊件變形翹曲。
適用於絕大部份的維修。它能焊接幾乎所有的金屬, 包括鎳鉻鐵合金、蒙乃爾高強度耐蝕鎳銅合金、銅、黃銅、鋼、不銹鋼 (除了白色金屬以外, 如: 鋁、鎂), 用在修補不銹鋼網上尤其好用。對食品和衛生用具也非常適合, 適合醫院和儀器, 不會像普通焊條出現鎘毒所產生的危害。


ASTRALLOY 9700  Blue Low Fuming Bronze – No Glare Flux 

Torch brazing most steels and cast irons. Especially suited for joining thin sections. Triple deoxidized bronze brazing alloy with "Safe Vue" moisture sealed flux coating

藥皮經過防潮處理, 不會潮濕、不脫落。


ASTRALLOY 9800  Red Nickel Silver – No Glare Flux 

High strength joining of steels using both the thin flow and bead form techniques. Ultra high purity nickel silver alloy featuring "Safe Vue" moisture sealed flux coating

含鎳合金, 高抗拉強度。
藥皮經過防潮處理, 不會潮濕、不脫落。
可焊接所有不同金屬之接合 (除白色金屬以外)。